SIMONE in the picture at two agricultural events on sustainable farming innovations

The agroecological transition is necessary and will occur through networking initiatives and projects aimed at promoting it. Within this framework, Les Décompactées de l’ABC, one of the SIMONE-partners, presented the project's innovative approach at two agricultural events in France.

Les Décompactées de l’ABC‘s role in SIMONE

Les Décompactées de l’ABC association brings together pioneering farmers specializing in no-till organic farming. The organization seeks to promote connections between farmers’ networks and citizen networks focused on environmental protection, facilitate on-farm experimentation, and support the agroecological transition of each farm and territory. In this respect, the association will participate with 5 farms from its network in the French living lab for SIMONE. These farms bring their field expertise, their support know-how, and their agricultural inter-network for disseminating project progress.

Two events showcased the SIMONE project

  • Les Rencontres de l’ABC 2024
    Les Décompactées de l’ABC organize each year “Les Rencontres de l’ABC”, the annual Francophone gathering around conservation organic agriculture. On February 1st, most part of France's agricultural development networks, including agricultural chambers, FNAB organic network, and CIVAM, came together to learn from one another and work using collective intelligence on innovative techniques.
  • This event was an excellent opportunity to present the approach of the SIMONE project, aiming to inspire and generate interest in the project's future among participants. The agricultural community warmly received it: "Finally, a project that puts farmers at the core center, blending scientific knowledge and farmer's know-how to take the most out of both" said Guillaume Haelewyn, an organic farmer and co-president of Les Décompactées de l'ABC. The video shows the presentation by Quentin Sengers, the coordinator of the association, immediately following Omie's testimony, a partner company at the event.

  • R&D Agriculture and climate change
    On May 24th, SIMONE was presented to farmers and numerous stakeholders from northeastern France during the 3rd symposium organized by the Chamber of Agriculture of the Grand Est region in Nancy. The goal of the symposium is to promote mutual understanding, disseminate and benefit from research results and agricultural innovations, and reflect on priorities to co-construct ambitious and unifying projects that enable regional agriculture to face future challenges. Participants expressed their interest and curiosity about the project’s expected outcomes.

    Summary symposium organized by the Chamber of Agriculture of the Grand Est region*
    (*about SIMONE, page 36)


Conservation agriculture in organic farming is an unreachable ideal

The SIMONE project is also here to demonstrate in the field how it is possible to achieve agroecological transition and how solutions do exist on paper but are presently complex as they vary with each farm context and situation. Over the four years of the project, we aim to share valuable and grounded references for the deployment of conservation organic agriculture across Europe.

More info

Contact Quentin Sengers, national coordinator and mission officer for SIMONE of the association Les Décompactées de l'ABC (No-Till organic farming French farmers and consumers network)

Kick-off meeting with partners in Nancy
Simone partners are eager to get started