SIMONE at the Agroecology Village of the Libramont fair

​The Libramont agriculture, forestry and agribusiness fair is a renowned event in Belgium. This year, more than 190 000 visitors had the opportunity to meet 700 exhibitors to discover the rural world through different angles: machinery, livestock, the agri-food industry, institutions, NGOs, research, and education. The Walloon Agricultural Research Center (CRA-W) had a strong presence at the fair and, as a partner of SIMONE, was able to highlight the project in the area dedicated to agroecology.

A place to be for networking and raising public awareness

Alongside various demonstration trial fields for intercropping with legumes and intercropping cover crops, the CRA-W stand provided an opportunity to interact with visitors on its research projects dedicated to agroecology. Farmers, advisors, researchers, and families were curious to know more about SIMONE and how to adopt more sustainable agricultural practices. Farmers expressed the constraints they face and asked questions about agronomic solutions, while families had the opportunity to learn broadly about the needs and opportunities of the agroecological transition.

Discover innovations in technical farm equipment

The Libramont fair also gave the CRA-W team the opportunity to discuss with distributors how machinery innovations could support the agroecological transition. Additionally, we had the chance to explore 19 selected agricultural innovations presented during the Mecanic Show, including the Ara EcoRobotix - an ultra-high precision sprayer designed to reduce the use of crop protection products, while improving weed management efficiency.

Farmers and Living lab contribution

CRA-W was invited by CORDER and PROTECT’EAU to present SIMONE and PhytoRé²-both projects focusing on co-creating and experimenting with on-farm solutions to reduce the use of plant protection products. This presentation took place before the PhytoLicence training course they organized during the fair. Over 30 farmers attended and were invited to apply to join our Living Lab.

More info

Contact Pénélope Lamarque and Sylvain Hennart, researchers at the CRA-W.

Kick-off Meeting of SIMONE: pioneering agroecological transition
Transforming agriculture with innovative approaches