Kick-off meeting with partners in Nancy

Simone partners are eager to get started

The SIMONE project kick-off meeting took place on February 21st and 22nd 2024 in Nancy, France. The partners gathered for the start of a co-creative project towards innovative agro-ecological solutions.

Hosted by ARVALIS, the meeting started with a warm welcome from Stéphane Jézéquel, the Scientific Director of ARVALIS, setting an encouraging tone for the project.

Following this, Pascaline Pierson, the Project Coordinator, provided a comprehensive introduction to the SIMONE project, outlining its objectives and anticipated impacts with clarity and insight.

Subsequently, Interreg NWE Project Officer Luka Messmer, delivered valuable insights and expectations from the funding body, setting the stage for fruitful collaboration.

Maxime Salin, ARVALIS' Project Management Officer, then presented coordin​ation strategies crucial for project success, emphasizing effective communication and resource management.

Get to know each other and the project

A round the table discussion was organized, where partners had the opportunity to introduce themselves and share their perspectives. Each work package was discussed in detail during co-creative break-out sessions. This was a good practical kick-start to the project.

With a diverse group of stakeholders committed to advancing agricultural innovation, the SIMONE project holds the promise of unlocking new possibilities in sustainable farming practices, driving the agricultural sector towards a greener and more resilient future.


Explore innovative farming methods through on-farm testing, aiming to improve the sustainability and performance of farms